The following should be an introduction to combining D3 with React to create reusable chart components. This is not intended to be an introduction into D3 nor React, there is a large number of resources to help getting off the ground with either frameworks, for example this for D3 and this for React.
D3s approach to data visualization fits well with the React way of building UI components and App structuring. React encourages to figure out how to structure a number of components to enforce a data flow that moves from top down, meaning that lower level components receive data and render it at best and only keep state if needed, but never manipulating any data that might affect the higher up components.
Another strong correlation between the libraries is their respective component lifecycle. D3 has enter, update and exit.
React has componentWillUpdate, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount, enabling us to map the D3 lifecycle directly to the React one.
The following is just an experiment to see how far we can replace the D3 rendering with React.
We will build a simple bar chart that consists of a number of rect elements. The basic building blocks for the example consist of a basic App container that composes a Chart component, setting the original height and width and passing the current data via props.
var Chart = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<svg width={this.props.width}
height={this.props.height} >
// some basic data
var all = [/* some data */];
var filtered = [/* some data */];
var App = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
width: 500,
height: 500
getInitialState: function() {
return {
data: all
showAll: function() {
this.setState({data : all})
filter: function() {
this.setState({data: filtered});
render: function() {
return (
<div className="selection">
<li onClick={this.showAll}>All</li>
<li onClick={this.filter}>Filter</li>
<Chart width={this.props.width}
<Bar data={}
height={this.props.height} />
<App /> ,
An initial look at the Chart component will reveal nothing special here. We are simply passing in the height, width and data via props. The Chart component doesn't do anything special here. The only noteworthy aspect here is that we are creating the svg element.
var Chart = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<svg width={this.props.width}
height={this.props.height} >
The most interesting part in the initial example is the Bar component code. This is where D3 and React connect for the first time.
To prevent any re-rendering we added the shouldComponentUpdate method, which compares the current data with the upcoming data. In case the data has not changed, we simply return false and skip the rendering. Think in a D3 context, when the data has not changed, D3 simply doesn't do anything either.
The main action takes place inside the render function, where we use D3 to define the needed y- and x-Scale and calculate the expected x, y, height and width values for every single rect element we want to render. We create an array of rect elements and wrap them inside a g element.
var Bar = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
data: []
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps) {
return !==;
render: function() {
var props = this.props;
var data = {
return d.y;
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(data)])
.range([0, this.props.height]);
var xScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeRoundBands([0, this.props.width], 0.05);
var bars =, i) {
var height = yScale(point),
y = props.height - height,
width = xScale.rangeBand(),
x = xScale(i);
return (
<Rect height={height}
key={i} />
return (
We have already replaced React with D3 at this point, meaning that React now renders the given data and D3 supplies the needed functions to calculate the proper properties needed for calculating the height, width and so on and so forth.
Up until now we have the Bar component ready to render the Rect elements. The Rect class code is very straight forward actually, all we need to do is return the actual rect element with provided properties.
var Rect = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps) {
return this.props.height !== nextProps.height;
render: function() {
return (
<rect className="bar"
This was a proof of concept of replacing the original D3 chart rendering part with React. The code needs more refining obviously, including adding propTypes for example.
One final aspect that needs covering is the transition part. We need a way to simulate the original D3 transitions when the data changes.
Adding Transitions
React offers the possibility to add setInterval via the lifecycle method componentDidMount. We will use this aforementioned method to add an interval that updates the state at a given interval enabling us to calculate the current height at every iteration.
We will also use a simple mixin lifted from the React documentation that handles intervals and removing the intervals when the component is unmounted.
Further more we will need to keep state of the current height and compare it with the via props defined height. As long as current state height is not equal to the defined props height we will keep updating the state, triggering a re-rendering of the Rect component a long the way.
This approach enables us to create defined transitions. For smoothing out the transition we also added the d3.ease method when calculating the height. This makes the transition more natural as opposed to a linear transformation.
For the complete implementation check the code below.
var SetIntervalMixin = {
componentWillMount: function() {
this.intervals = [];
setInterval: function() {
this.intervals.push(setInterval.apply(null, arguments));
componentWillUnmount: function() {;
var Rect = React.createClass({
mixins: [SetIntervalMixin],
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0
getInitialState: function() {
return {
milliseconds: 0,
height: 0
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps) {
return this.props.height !== this.state.height;
componentWillMount: function() {
console.log('will mount');
componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
this.setState({milliseconds: 0, height: this.props.height});
componentDidMount: function() {
this.setInterval(this.tick, 10);
tick: function(start) {
this.setState({milliseconds: this.state.milliseconds + 10});
render: function() {
var easyeasy = d3.ease('back-out');
var height = this.state.height + (this.props.height - this.state.height) * easyeasy(Math.min(1, this.state.milliseconds/1000));
var y = this.props.height - height + this.props.y;
return (
<rect className="bar"
Here is the final example including the code.
This was an initial approach in combining D3 and React and taking control of the rendering process. The provided example doesn't cover any transitions where the number of Rect element changes. This can be easily achieved by adding x and width property calculations just like shown with the y and height properties.
Thank you to @thinkfunctional for reading the draft and providing valuable feedback.
D3 and React - the future of charting components?
Integrating D3.js visualizations in a React app